Simple prayer is based on the third verse of  hymn “Prayer is the Soul’s Sincere Desire” 

“Prayer is the simplest form of speech

That infant lips can try

Prayer, the sublimest strains

that reach The Majesty on high” 

12x12 Oil on board. Available for purchase:  $400 unframed

Prints available, contact the artist.

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights.” 

James 1:17

9x12 oil on panel.  Available for purchase $325 unframed.

"Let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely."  Revelation 22:17

10x10 oil on panel.

Jesus Christ was called Rabbi by his disciples.  He often went to be alone to ponder.  

8x10 oil.  Available for purchase $275 unframed.

Jesus Christ spent much time pondering and in prayer, reaching out to his father.  Much of this was in the "wilderness" or desert. “And he withdrew himself into the wilderness, and prayed” Luke 5:16 This envisions Him in a moment of prayer in the desert.

8x10 oil.  Available for purchase:  $275 unframed.

Clouds and storm begin recede and the sunshine prevails sending its warmth and light on the fields and meadows below.

16x20 oil. Available for purchase. $600 unframed.

In the fading glow, the salt marsh breathes life into the stillness, a canvas of fire and calm. Tidal creeks and drifting clouds reflect the setting sun.

12x24 oil.

“The wolf’s gaze is a mirror; it sees both your courage and your fear.”

16x20 oil.  Available for purchase.  $700 unframed.

A majestic elk summons the spirit of mountains through mighty bugling call.

12x16 oil.

“The Sun awakens the field; the flowers share back the sunshine all day long.” A field of coneflowers awaken in the light of the rising sun.

16x20 oil.  Available for purchase:  $600 unframed.
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What does the * mean next to the title?
* Means the original painting is no longer available. Contact the artist for availability of reprints. Type 'available' in the search bar to see available paintings.
About Me
About Me
Brian Cragun discovered his inner artist in 2001 and began drawing and painting everything in sight. Plein air oil painting is his current love.
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